Unwanted Accident

Just nk share accident yg berlaku kt kawasan parking di Putrajaya.
Kejadian berlaku pada Jumaat lepas..around 12.15pm just before lunch break..
Mula-mula dgr macam minor accident jer, maybe small crash tp bile tgk sndiri
mak ai...teruk mcm accident kat hiway lak.

Sian gak la kt mmbr aku ni..owner persona (PJC 4595)..Dah la time tu tgh meeting.tetiba
dpt call kate kete kene langgar kat parking..Kete baru 3 bulan beb...org kata masih dara
dan bergetah lagi la...tp nk wat camne...kt tmpt paling selamat pun kene hentam kaw2..kalu parking di bahu jalan tu lain ar cite..ni parking kt dlm box..pun kene sapu.

Cite asal kejadian ade byk sgt version..aku pun tak sure yg mane betul..tp yg penting..
kete BMW X5 tu yg lanyak smua 5 kete yg tgh parking...Asalnya X5 tu langgar Iswara yg baru
nk kuar selekoh...Maybe sbb terlalu laju, X5 tu terbabas dan sondol smua 5 kete yg lain.
Ade gak sumber2 yg kata X5 tu nk elak Civic Hitam yg parking kt belah kanan...then dia pilih
langgar another 5 cars tuh,.,
Pergh mmg malang la golongan2 berkereta Nasional nih....diskrimasi camtu jer..

Papepun..wat mmbr ku ini..tabahkan la hati..Dgr cite mcm takle claim insuran sbb kete tgh parking bukan di atas jalan...ntah la..
Tp wat owner X5 tu..mmg gempak la ko..cas2 kool je lepas langgar...Seb baik ko bwk agen insuran ko..klu tak dh mmg lame kene balun kt situ gak..or perhaps ko tu pompuan..sbb tu smua cam malas nk gaduh2..so moral of the story...Dun be a LADY bcoz LADY dunno how to drive...kuang3x..

p/s: Gambar tak bape clear coz guna handset je..
Wish my D60 wuz there to snap moments..inz


Date : 21-June-09
Venue : kolam kura2 kat kebun bunga johor bharu
Participant : Shukri, Jufri, Shahree
Theme : Exotic

kura 1 : aaa~~~mari kita santai rami2.cuaca tgh baik ni
kura 2 : tu a. asyik hujan je hr2. spender aku pun xdan kering

kura jantan : hihi, kat sini kau. puas aku cari keliling kolam
kura betina : oit, kot ye pun sabar la. diorg tgh tengok tu.segan la cik abang oi.

kura jantan : ahh, blah a ko. segan ngn org konon. ckp je la dh xsudi ngn aku
kura betina : makin tua makin miang. cakap skit merajuk, pastu nk cr lain. dasar jantan...

datuk kura : mn aku nk pegi hr ni ah...bosan btl.

bapak kura : sial a diorg ni tinggal aku sorg2.

adik kura : shit, mana diorg yg lain ni. aaa, smp ati tinggalkan aku

jejaka kura : apsal la no aku beli smlm xnaik...ni yg nk beli lg minggu depan ni.


Date: 21 June 09
Vanue : Danga Bay
Participant : Shukri, Jufri, Shahree
Theme : Reflection

Those a picture of reflection that i was accidently snap during jalan2 cari makan at Danga Bay. The sky just superb, provide an astonishing bright balance. i did try to flip upside-down this picture and hardly to differentiate which one is the reflection. funny is't? there so much thing u can do with the DSLR beside capture the moment. This thing can boost your creativity. Come on guys, go get some money and grab one. Capture the beauty of the earth while it last.

Be green;
Dr. Nyox

jup@Bandar Diraja Seri Menanti

Wahai umat manusia sekalian alam...
Last weekend akoo blk kg akoo kt seri menanti N9...dh lama jgkla akoo x blk kampung..huk3
Rupanya2 kt kampung akoo ni cantik nk amik gmbr..apesal la smpi ke jepun..sgpore akoo nk amk gmbr..kt kg sendiri lagi cantik..so akooo mmg x tau nk karang2 ni..korang lyn jerla gmbr akoo amik ni..tp akoo attached mmbr akooo nyer gmbr..cam menarik x kalo nk tgkp gmbr kawin 'outdoor' kt tempat ni...so utk mmbr akoo mahadi ngn faizah good luck for ur wedding dissember ni..pergh siap akoo umumkan lagi ni..hak3

Band NGeng - Perhaps in Reunion??

Every Friday Night an orderly queue of boys and girls would form outside the Jln Jati Studio Jamming adjacent to Bandar putra. It was a “Band N' Gang” night, and when the doors were open, there would be a frantic rush to get the best seats – boys to the left aisle – girls to the center. The Band N'Gang, to give it its proper name, was a body of volunteer dedicated to instilling in the minds of its young members a set of high moral values to take with them through life, base, as a first principle, on a total abstinence from strong drink and worse chain smoking habit (sort of up-hold government's aspiration band =p)

Short after their first double Platinum and Grammy award for the best outstanding performance band, the members decide to dissolve the band. Everyone establish new life mission. So the band leaves the name behind to be remembered as the greatest band ever.
Farewell to irreplaceable names, Madi (lead singer), Shahree (2nd guitar/singer), Shukri (lead), Alex (bass), Rauf (drummer). Long live to all \o/…………

~~Time @ Mase ~~

Who invented time??

Time was not invented, at least not in the conventional sense. In fact, time does not exist at all, not in any way. Time is merely a convention of thought and conversation. If time actually existed, it could be measured and quantified by something that cannot be suspended.
"Time" is one of mans earliest discoveries. Observation indicated that events followed in order - Spring Summer Fall Winter. Crops grew after he Spring Equinox. Moon and tides were in tune. Everyday if we waited on the canyon walls the mammoths would pass below us when the sun was highest and we'd be able to bag one. So although we didn't event it we observed it and we used it from our earliest days.

Who invented Clock??

Not until somewhat recently (that is, in terms of human history) did people find a need for knowing the time of day. As best we know, 5000 to 6000 years ago great civilizations in the Middle East and North Africa began to make clocks to augment their calendars. With their attendant bureaucracies, formal religions, and other burgeoning societal activities, these cultures apparently found a need to organize their time more efficiently.

The Remembrance : Kyoto Trombone FC

It's good to tell bout da past..Things dat happen with reasoning..
Wut put passion into habits, ritual, and way of everythin'...

Kyoto trombone is a prestigous name of group. Who's gonna bare speaking bout engineering student gathered into a team as footballer...

Our team start as beginner..(till now still not yet a professional - just being wut we shud be- )
Tetiap petang, start mase 1st yr, kitorg each of us ( 2001 iium-engineering batch) will spend a 'short after class time' berkumpul and main bola petang2 kt padang ali. Then after that br pindah main kt pdg blkg...asyik berebut ngn foreigner jer..That's where we start. Dulu kat matriks ade gak main,,tp since 2nd year padang dh start renovate..so terpakse la sambung main kt court tennis or kat small pitch blkg UKC (watta creepy place to play)..

Kyoto Trombone was inspired by (dunno who really iniate and suggest the name) but frm wut i noe, it comes from t-shirt yg PATLI pakai...so I guess he would be the guy who's in the idea.

Kitorg wat team ni sbb nk masuk EPL (Engineering Premier League) which every yr enginnering student would organise..Klau nk cite pjg psl team..mmg takkan abis la...eventhough kitorg seems so bz with class (engineering student la ktakan)..but tak sangka la coz byk jugak player bola yg powe kt kuliyyah engineering nih..

Malas nk cite for more further..so aku cut short...Kitorg menang EPL mase 2nd year..siap main kt stadium beb...and of cos..me was one in the scoring sheet...Menang 3-0 time tuh..two goals from Azri.(now he becomes pilot -->wut a success)

Here is the list of player (gonna miss this team like shit) :
1. Marul
2. Wak
3. Mastein
4. Shep
5. War
6. Ciken
7. Tre
8. Jo
9. Sohail aka Can
10. Imy
11. Jay
12. Nuek
13. Paan
14. Azri
15. Acid
16. Patli
17. Inz

::bunga xxx & lebah yyy::

Date : 14 jun 09
Venue : hutan bandar putra
Participant : Fernando Sukree
Theme : mcm biasa, cintailah alam sekitar. save d earth

best regard, sir nyox

Believe in Ur Own 'ASS'....

Sometimes people come into ur life and u noe rite away that they were
meant 2b there. To serve some sort of purpose, teach u a lesson or
help figure out who u r or who u wanna become.

U never know who these people may be but when u lock eyes with them, u
noe that very moment that they will affect ur life in some profound way.
And sometimes things happen to u at the time that may seem horrible,
painful and unfair, but in reflection u realize that without overcoming
those obstacles u would have never realized your potential, strength, will
power or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of
good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer
stupidity all occur to test the limits of ur soul. Without these small
tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.
Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.

The people u meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that u
experience can create who u r, and the bad experiences can be learned
from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

If someone hurts u, betrays u or breaks ur heart, forgive them because
they have helped u learn about trust and the importance of being cautious
to whom u open ur heart.

If someone loves u, love them back unconditionally (hmm..boleh ker), not only because they
love u, but because they r teaching u to love and to open ur heart
and eyes to little things. Make every day count.

Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that u possibly can,
for u may never be able to experience it again.

Talk to people u have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let
urself fall in love, break free and set your sights high.

Hold ur head up because u hv every right to. Tell yourself u r a
great individual and believe in urself, for if u dun believe in
urself, no one else will believe in u. Create ur own life and then go
out and live it.

In return, perhaps u will see how important u r to be born in this world...

Believe enuff INZ...huh!!